Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ice Storm

It turns out there was a big ice storm here while we were in Michigan. It didn't hit at our rental house in Asheville - only rain. We drove to our new house Tuesday and noticed all the way down Highway 9 the small trees had been snapped off near the tops. We could tell a lot of trees had been cut down along the roadside, too. It was the same at Creston so we took a drive up to the sales office at the community center and asked Corey, the salesman, about it. He said the ice storm only hit certain areas and Highway 9 (which is our route to Black Mountain) was quite treacherous. He drove to Creston later in the day after the storm and trees & wires were still down and the road still icy. It wasn't AS bad at Creston but there will still a lot of trees topped. We only had one casualty on our property and it turned out to be a lucky break for us. It's a tree that we normally couldn't cut down for no reason and it blocks a pastoral view in the summer. I'll have to replace it with something smaller.

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