Monday, January 7, 2008


Saturday we went to Hendersonville. Hendersonville is a nice town about 40 minutes south of Asheville with a quaint historic downtown. We went there to check out bathroom vanities at an unfinished furniture store. First we had lunch at a bistro downtown. It was a beautiful day so from there we went to visit our house. Our future neighbors, Vince and Doug, were there visiting their property - 2 lots down from us at the end of our road. They aren't planning to build for at least 5 years but visit regularly from Raleigh which is about 4 hours away. We showed them our house then we had dinner with them at a new Thai restaurant in Black Mountain. We had a good time. They're very nice. Too bad they're not building for awhile.
Sunday we went to what might become my new favorite place. We went to the Botanical Gardens. There were some shrubs there that I'm not familiar with so I can see I need to visit on a regular basis to catch things when they're in bloom. This may be a big help in planning our landscape design. It's just a nice place to hang out, too.

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