Monday, December 17, 2007

I'd walk a million miles...

I almost forgot! Last Sunday (the 9th) was Robert's birthday. He's 69! He was 56 when we got married. I guess I never thought he would be 69. Nancy tells me I didn't think that one through too well. Instead of going out to dinner and spending a fortune (retiree budget) I made his favorite dinner Saturday night. Pot roast. Then we did what any 69-year-old would do on his birthday. We listened to Al Jolson records. We REALLY did. There's nothing like spending a Saturday night listening to "Mammy." Sunday, we met Miss Bobbie and her NEW BEAU for lunch at the Grovewood Cafe. Robert behaved (sorta) and didn't throw out any "Oakleyisms" to him like, "You better not get my sister-in-law pregnant./What's the matter, you sterile?"
Oh, and the new beau was very nice.

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