Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Fog

Last week we had a photo-op emergency. George & Theresa stopped by for a glass (or two) of wine and after they left I started to cook dinner. The phone rang and while I was talking Robert's cell phone rang. I was trying to pay attention to my conversation and I could hear him saying things like, "I'll be right there," and "I'm leaving right now!" I thought Creston was on fire so I got off the phone and he was running around and I asked what was going on. He said, "George just called from up at the swing and the fog is really beautiful. I'm going up to take pictures." So I turned off the stove and grabbed my camera and we threw his camera and tripod in the car and took off. When we got up to the swing George & Theresa were still there taking pictures with their phone. I got a few shots in but by the time Robert got his camera and tripod out of the car the fog had moved in again and he missed the shots. We got in the car and went up the road to turn around. By the time we got back to the swing the fog had moved out again so we got some more shots. We could see the end of the sunset in one direction and the moon had already risen in the other direction. Our house is somewhere out there under the fog.

I took different pictures of the moon but somehow they all ended up the same on the blog. Technical error.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring & Misc.

Spring has hit the Blue Ridge! We've been watching the daily progress of the trees leafing out here on the mountain. We are now 100%. The dogwood were just beautiful this year. We had so many on our property this year. Some that didn't bloom last year were full of blooms especially one in the front of the house along the driveway.

This dogwood and rhododendron were just planted last fall. They're just blooming now.
